Employees Switzerland - together strong!

With Employees Switzerland, we have a strong partner that supports us when implementing the interests of our members.

Employees Switzerland (Angestellte Schweiz) is an umbrella association of 80 employee organisations and has about 22'000 members. Employees Switzerland is the strongest association of the branches metal engineering/electronics/machine building and chemistry/pharma. More than 50% of the organised employees are members of Employees Switzerland.

Employees Switzerland is the competence and service center of the employees

  • We strengthen the competence and independence of employee organisations, their committees and their members, as well as their employee representatives. We encourage autonomy and personal responsibility.
  • Thanks to a broad network we can offer comprehensive services and consultation to support our members in any business specific, branch related or legal questions they might have. 
  • Thanks to a strong members' base we can offer collective benefits and financial advantages.

Employees Switzerland represents the interests of the employees

  • We stand in for social, legal, econonmic and political demands of the employees and represent them effectively at employers, in politics, in the economy and in public.
  • We work across branches and play a leading role in labour and social politics as well as at the negociation and implementation of collective working contracts.
  • We advocate and live social partnership.


Employees Switzerland
Martin-Disteli-Strasse 9
Postfach 234
4601 Olten

Phone: 044-360 11 11
Fax: 044-360 11 12